Friday, April 24, 2009

Finish Him!

Oh yeah, I'm toast!

I ran out of energy around 9am.
The machine that I am, was running on fat fumes I suppose.
Mowing the lawn was on my agenda after work.
But then I had to stay late.
Then I had to run a few errands.
Followed-up by some Solomonster time.
Running into darkness.
You don't suppose I planned it that way, do you.
Crap, now I have to get up really early on a Saturday.
The lawn really needs a cutting and it's going to be 90 degrees tomorrow.
I don't mind heat, but I do not want it in April.
Alright Dr. Flab, where are you?


Jadielady said...

dundundundundundunHEY!dundundundundundun HEY! MORTAL KOMBAT!

F, F, B, B, BL

fresphyl. Try new fresphyl, our newest prescription drug that makes your brain think that being called a fucker is a good thing!

Thomas said...

*hears beautiful smurf music and has tranquil feelings.*

Oh yes, thank you for calling me a fucker, Mr. Customer. Fucker to you as well.

ACK - a Sonya FATALITY - I die, only to be reborn.

Anonymous said...

Goro? Booo! Jax...yessssssss.

Hope you got to cut the grass today, I swear, I think the thermometer on the back deck said 97...I swear.

I did my obligatory work in the yard, redid the container plants and mucked about a bit then...back inside for sensible temps.

...could always hire a yard crew I guess.