Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reasons to Quit Smoking

  1. yadda yadda yadda - all the health reasons.
  2. Saving money.
  3. Wrinkles.
  4. The stink.
  5. The dust.
  6. Smoking to stay thin. Which is a LIE.
  7. Healthier nails.
  8. Sweeter breath.
  9. Self Confidence.
And one the best reasons, is in consideration of my dog. I admit I have given much thought to the second hand smoke impact on him. Oh I've been a bad daddy.

1 comment:

JJ said...

multipy the number of packs per day by the cost. calculate the number per week and multiply by 26.

start a savings account when you quit and place that money automatically in there via paycheck.

watch an emergency/fun/ vacation fund grow very very quickly.

You are right to think about your pup. It will make a difference to him and perhaps he'll want to walk more than one block.

emetrup- the afteraffect of drinking syrup of ipeac.