Sunday, March 29, 2009

Embers Be Gone!!

Dr. Flab began his epic battle with the dreaded Nick O'tine during last nights episode of Saturday Night Live. With a burning cigarette in between his lips he grabbed the last remaining pack in his house. There were eight sticks still remaining. Staring at him like pawns in a chess game with the Queen neatly positioned and smoking, as if to say "Check Mate". With his Chantix armor and every bit of willpower within; Flab attacked the eight pawns first and quickly broke them at their filtered ends and crushed them at the center core. But the burning Queen still had half her energy and conjured her magic to the bitter end. But Flab would not be defeated and he grabbed the Queen by her butt and crushed her head into the metal cauldron of ash. The Queen was defeated. And Flab would need to rest from his battle and entered into a mystical coma of healing and recuperation.

Dr. Flab is well and will soon complete one day in celebration of his defeat of Nick O'Tine and his dreaded death army.


Jadielady said...

Very impressive digital alterations!!!

Bazzmya.. yeah I still got nothin

JJ said...


We are right here with you and the air is clear!! the choice is clear!

You can DOOOOOOOOO eeeeeeet!

xatelt - another hidden tax on your phone bill.