Translation: I spent the day with fuzzy tongue.
Having quit smoking before, I am familiar with this sensation. Other people don't know what I'm talking about. Most other people don't smoke Menthol cigarettes. I have been a menthol smoker since college. That's more than 20 years now. I used to smoke Marlboro Reds, but migrated over to Menthol because everyone was bumming' smokes. That did the trick. No one wanted to smoke menthol. Yuk, no way. Heck I enjoyed the cool ashy breeze billowing down my throat. Who the hell knows what it was doing to my tongue to make it feel fuzzy, possibly numb. It's like, or actually is, my tongue going through withdrawal. It's actually funny, odd, intriguing sensation. It also sucks that it's a reminder of what my tongue wants. I can think of better things though.