Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fuzzy Tongue








Translation: I spent the day with fuzzy tongue.

Having quit smoking before, I am familiar with this sensation. Other people don't know what I'm talking about. Most other people don't smoke Menthol cigarettes. I have been a menthol smoker since college. That's more than 20 years now. I used to smoke Marlboro Reds, but migrated over to Menthol because everyone was bumming' smokes. That did the trick. No one wanted to smoke menthol. Yuk, no way. Heck I enjoyed the cool ashy breeze billowing down my throat. Who the hell knows what it was doing to my tongue to make it feel fuzzy, possibly numb. It's like, or actually is, my tongue going through withdrawal. It's actually funny, odd, intriguing sensation. It also sucks that it's a reminder of what my tongue wants. I can think of better things though.

Monday, March 30, 2009

DreamScape Battle

Dr. Flab, having retreated to his pyramid fortress for physical recuperation drifted into a deep deep sleep. Transcending dimension unknown, images of his battle surface before him. Nick O'Tine's ember army was marching and closing around Flab. This could not be - Flab was confident that he defeated the army and sensed another diabolical force at work. A presence. Yes, a presence he was all too familiar with. It was *The Swirl*.

The Swirl is pure evil, drawing power from all weaknesses and using that synergistic energy to attack its foe's mind. Flab had battled the Swirl previously on numerous occasions and has won each battle weakening the Swirl each time. But having watched Flab's battle with Nick O'Tine, The Swirl determined now was the time for a new attack. At the moment the battle ended, The Swirl entered Flab's mind when his defenses were down.

To defeat The Swirl, it has taken a divide an conquer approach. Dr. Flab begins with separating himself into the two halves of his mind. As usual, to defeat The Swirl, time and patience is key. This battle will not end soon.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Embers Be Gone!!

Dr. Flab began his epic battle with the dreaded Nick O'tine during last nights episode of Saturday Night Live. With a burning cigarette in between his lips he grabbed the last remaining pack in his house. There were eight sticks still remaining. Staring at him like pawns in a chess game with the Queen neatly positioned and smoking, as if to say "Check Mate". With his Chantix armor and every bit of willpower within; Flab attacked the eight pawns first and quickly broke them at their filtered ends and crushed them at the center core. But the burning Queen still had half her energy and conjured her magic to the bitter end. But Flab would not be defeated and he grabbed the Queen by her butt and crushed her head into the metal cauldron of ash. The Queen was defeated. And Flab would need to rest from his battle and entered into a mystical coma of healing and recuperation.

Dr. Flab is well and will soon complete one day in celebration of his defeat of Nick O'Tine and his dreaded death army.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reasons to Quit Smoking

  1. yadda yadda yadda - all the health reasons.
  2. Saving money.
  3. Wrinkles.
  4. The stink.
  5. The dust.
  6. Smoking to stay thin. Which is a LIE.
  7. Healthier nails.
  8. Sweeter breath.
  9. Self Confidence.
And one the best reasons, is in consideration of my dog. I admit I have given much thought to the second hand smoke impact on him. Oh I've been a bad daddy.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Smoking Cessation: Chantix

Most of my friends know I am an avid smoker. I enjoy it. I love to smoke actually. My friends also know that I quit smoking 2 years ago for a total of 6 months. But I let the emotional and psychological damage of friendships going up in smoke, lead me back to the wonder sticks of nicotine nirvana. Back then I elected to use Chantix, a then-new smoking cessation drug by Pfizer. Holy hell, I did as instructed and *poof* no desire to smoke. I was drug induced cold turkey quiting. I figured I'd give it a go again. OH, not so easy the second time around. I tried quiting about four weeks ago and I was the crankiest 43 year old you never wanted to meet. So I have chosen to take things slower and continue on the path of the 12 week program. You ease into the program with one pill a day for 5 days. Then you continue on a 2 pill a day; one morning and one evening. You are encouraged to exhaust all of the medication, the entire 12 weeks. Your target quit date is after week #1. Well, that hasn't been working for me, so I've been biding my time...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What are you looking at?

I plan to quit... Really I do!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dr. Flab

Dr. Flab is a blend of two characters from two universes. Dr. Fate from the DC Comic and The Blob from the Marvel Comic Universes. The former is a good guy, the later is the bad guy. Suffice it to say that Dr. Fate will represent the intellectual well meaning portion of my psyche in combat with my inner and outer Blob. I plan to use this extension of myself to focus the Dr. Fate to proactively impact the Blob nature. I'll post about my health, goals, challenges, and topics of interest. Feel free to comment as I follow this path to wellness. I'll succeed and I'll fail, but I will continue forward. Join me if you like.