Wednesday, May 13, 2009


This gastro illness has left me with one glaring olfactory certainty:


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's Alive

Yes, I'm alive.
No, my health assessment did not drive me mad.
Yes, I'll start blogging more.
Yes, I've been preoccupied with a different activity.
No, I'm not ready to focus on my weight.
Yes, I should be because man I feel fat.
No, I have not started smoking again.
Yes, I'm on my way toward 2 months.
but, I've also been under the weather for the past few days so I'm not feeling terribly motivated. Especially because you don't need to know those details.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Health Assessment

Yesterday I did my work related health assessment. By participating, you can get a discount on your premium increase in the following year.

Age: 43 (up from last year, good thing too)
Height: 5'8" (same as last year)
Weight: 265 lbs. (up from last year)
Blood Pressure: 134/82 (similar to last year)

I got my blood drawn as well. Those vampires better say that I'm a non-smoker like they did last year. Last year I was a HUGE smoker and they said I was not. I had to fight to get them to say I was to get the lowest score possible. Needed room for improvement. Not sure how much I improved even though I quit smoking. The weight is up and the age is up. They use it all against you.

I'll keep you informed as I need to start focusing on the waist-line. ...And people thought I have been a bitch from quiting smoking... lol.